Joffre Lakes Hike

  • Whistler - Squamish
  • 1 Day 4 Hours


The Joffre Lakes hike, located near Pemberton in British Columbia, is a spectacular trail that takes you through pristine alpine scenery to three stunning turquoise lakes. This moderately challenging 10-kilometre (6.2-mile) round-trip hike offers breathtaking views of glaciers, waterfalls, and rugged mountain peaks. The trail begins with a gentle ascent through a lush forest, leading you to the first lake, which is a teaser for the beauty that lies ahead. As you continue, the terrain becomes steeper and more rugged, but the effort is rewarded with the sight of the second and third lakes, each more awe-inspiring than the last. The vivid blue-green waters, surrounded by towering peaks and glacier-fed streams, create a postcard-perfect setting.

Activity info
Type Recreational
Class Hiking trekking walking
Level Challenged
Season All Around Year
Duration 1 day
  • Spectacular Lakes: Witness the stunning turquoise waters of the three Joffre Lakes, each offering a unique and picturesque alpine setting.
  • Glacier Views: Enjoy breathtaking views of the Matier Glacier, which feeds the lakes and adds to the dramatic landscape.
  • Waterfalls: Encounter beautiful waterfalls along the trail, providing perfect spots for rest and photo opportunities.
  • Diverse Terrain: Experience a variety of terrains, from lush forests and wooden boardwalks to rocky paths and steep ascents.
  • Wildlife and Flora: Observe diverse wildlife and vibrant alpine flora, particularly during the summer months when wildflowers are in bloom.

Pre-arrival checklist

Check Weather: Review the weather forecast for Pemberton and Joffre Lakes. Trail Conditions: Verify current trail conditions and any possible closures. Permits and Fees: Ensure you have any required permits and are aware of any parking fees. Transportation: Plan your route to the trailhead and consider parking options. Hydration and Nutrition: Prepare sufficient water and snacks for the hike.


Layered Clothing: Dress in moisture-wicking base layers, an insulating mid-layer, and a breathable, waterproof outer layer. Hiking Boots: Wear sturdy, broken-in hiking boots with good ankle support and grip. Socks: Bring moisture-wicking socks to prevent blisters. Hat and Sunglasses: Wear a hat and sunglasses for sun protection. Rain Gear: Pack a lightweight, waterproof jacket and rain pants.

Personal gear

Day Pack: Carry a comfortable backpack to hold your essentials. Water: Bring at least 2 litres of water per person, plus a water filter or purification tablets if planning to refill from streams. Food: Pack high-energy snacks and a substantial lunch. First Aid Kit: Include bandages, blister treatments, antiseptic wipes, and personal medications. Navigation Tools: Carry a map, compass, and GPS device or smartphone with offline maps. Sun Protection: Bring sunscreen and lip balm with SPF. Headlamp: Pack a headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries. Trekking Poles: Consider bringing trekking poles for added stability on steep or uneven terrain.

Fire information and updates

Check Fire Bans: Verify if there are any current fire bans or restrictions in the area. Fire Danger Rating: Stay informed about the current fire danger rating for the region. Monitor Updates: Regularly check local sources for updates on wildfires or fire-related information. Campfire Rules: If campfires are allowed, use designated fire rings and keep fires small and manageable. Emergency Procedures: Know how to report a fire and have an evacuation plan in place.

Safety & Guidelines

Stay on Marked Trails: Follow designated trails to protect the environment and ensure your safety. Pace Yourself: Take breaks as needed and maintain a steady pace to avoid overexertion. Hydrate Frequently: Drink water regularly to stay hydrated throughout the hike. Respect Wildlife: Observe wildlife from a distance; do not feed or approach animals. Leave No Trace: Pack out all trash and belongings, and respect the natural environment. Emergency Contacts: Know the location of emergency services and have an emergency contact plan.


Providing items

Self-preparable items

trousers suitable for hiking

hiking boots

waterproof shell/rain jacket or poncho

warm clothes

bigger backpacks with waterproof cover

first aid kit

sun cream

photo or video camera

power bank

refillable water bottle

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