Barkerville Historic Town & Park

  • Cariboo Chilcotin Coast
  • 5 Hours
  • Jan - July


Welcome to Barkerville Historic Town & Park, where history comes to life in the heart of British Columbia's Gold Rush country. Immerse yourself in the authentic atmosphere of the 1860s and experience the vibrant past of this Gold Rush boomtown. Don't miss this opportunity to witness the past while surrounded by the beauty of the British Columbia wilderness. Start planning your historic adventure today!

Attractions info
Type Historical
Class Towns
Level Local
Season All around year
  • Gold Rush Legacy: Discover gold allure
  • Historical Reenactments: Captivating costumed interpreters
  • Interactive Experiences: Hands-on Gold Rush activities
  • Local Cuisine: Savour historic meals
  • Special Events: Victorian holidays, Moon Festival
  • Educational Entertainment: All ages learn, enjoy
  • Scenic Beauty: Stunning Cariboo Mountains backdrop

  • What to see

  • Visitor guidelines

  • Pre-arrival checklist

  • Fire information and updates

  • Trail conditions

What to see

Main Street: Stroll along the historic Main Street of Barkerville, lined with meticulously preserved buildings that transport you back to the 1860s. Explore shops, saloons, and businesses that once thrived during the Gold Rush.

Theatre Royal: Attend a live theatrical performance at the Theatre Royal, where talented actors bring the stories of Barkerville's past to life in an entertaining and educational way.

Wells Fargo Stagecoach Rides: Experience the thrill of a Wells Fargo stagecoach ride, just like Gold Rush prospectors did in the 1800s. Enjoy scenic tours of the town and its surroundings.

Bowron House: Visit the historic Bowron House, a well-preserved residence from the Gold Rush era, and learn about the life of the Bowron family who once lived there.

Schoolhouse: Step into the one-room schoolhouse to see what education was like in the 1860s. It's a great place to experience the authentic atmosphere of the time.

St. Saviour's Anglican Church: Explore this beautifully restored church, which showcases the spiritual life of the Gold Rush community.

Chinatown: Discover the intriguing history of Chinese immigrants who came to Barkerville during the Gold Rush. Explore the recreated Chinatown area, complete with shops and businesses.

Museum Exhibits: Explore the various museum exhibits and displays that provide in-depth insights into the Gold Rush, the people who lived there, and the artifacts that have been preserved.

Gold Panning: Try your hand at gold panning in the nearby creeks. Knowledgeable staff will guide you through the process, and you might even find a fleck of gold!

Blacksmith Shop: Witness the blacksmith at work, crafting essential tools and items needed by the residents of Barkerville.

Costumed Interpreters: Engage with costumed interpreters who reenact the daily lives and stories of Barkerville's residents. They are passionate about history and are happy to share their knowledge with visitors.

Special Events: Check the event calendar for special events and celebrations, including themed festivals, parades, and holiday gatherings, which add an extra layer of excitement to your visit.

Visitor guidelines

Consumption of alcohol is allowed only at your registered campsite, overnight accommodations, or at licensed premises with Barkerville Historic Town & Park.

Camping is allowed only in designated campsites during Barkerville’s main season. Check back soon to book a campsite for the 2024 season.

Smoking or vaping of cannabis is prohibited within Barkerville Historic Town & Park except in your registered campsite.

Operating drones without permission is strictly illegal in all BC Parks. Please contact us to obtain a drone use permit.

Using, selling, or purchasing fireworks, or any other type of explosive, is not permitted within Barkerville Historic Town & Park.

Any unwanted food and garbage must be disposed of in wildlife resistant garbage bins or secured in your vehicle or food locker. Never leave garbage unattended. Do not store garbage in your tent, tent trailer or open pick-up bed. Barkerville staff check for unattended wildlife attractions, and attractants found in plain view may be removed and safely secured to reduce the risks to you and to wildlife. Never burn food or food related items including bottles, cans and garbage. Do not dispose of garbage in outhouses.

To provide campers with a quiet and enjoyable experience within campgrounds, generator use is permitted only between 9:00 am to 11:00 am and 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Metal detecting, bottle digging, and other treasure hunting for historic refuse is strictly prohibited within BC Parks. Removal of historic material is a violation of the Heritage Conservation Act and violators may be subject to criminal prosecution, including jail time and fines of up to $100,000.

In order to protect heritage and environmental resources, recreational hand panning is prohibited on Provincial Heritage Sites except in designated gold panning troughs. Gold panning lessons are available at El Dorado Gold Panning & Gift Shop during our Main Season.

Leave what you find – it is the law.

Natural and cultural resources such as rocks, fossils, artifacts, antlers, wildflowers, nests, or bottles, are protected and must be left undisturbed for others to discover and enjoy. Archaeological artifacts should be left in place. If you believe an item may be especially significant, leave the item in place, mark the location, and notify Barkerville staff.

Pets are permitted only in designated areas and must be always on a leash. For the protection of visitors, livestock, and wildlife, pets are not permitted in Barkerville’s Heritage Zone during the main season. Day use dog kennels are available for rent at the Barkerville Welcome Centre.

Hikers with dogs wishing to pass through Barkerville’s Heritage Zone during the main season must check in at the Welcome Centre.

Barkerville is committed to maintaining a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for visitors and staff. Please keep the following etiquette tips in mind when interacting with historic interpreters and other staff and guests.

Please ask before posing for photos with historic characters. Do not try to trick interpreters or make them break character. Costumes are not consent. Do not touch people or their costumes or items without their permission. Barkerville will not tolerate inappropriate touching, lewd or racist comments, or harassment of any kind. Do not engage in disruptive behaviour that disturbs or endangers programming, staff or other guests.

It is illegal to feed, entice or disturb any wildlife in a Provincial Park, even if they are very cute. It is extremely important to avoid attracting wild animals to campgrounds. Keep food and food waste in a vehicle, hard-sided trailer, or bear-proof canister. Dispose of garbage in designated receptacles or pack it out with food waste. Animal behaviour is unpredictable. Be respectful when photographing wildlife. Never take selfies with wildlife. If you see wildlife beside the road, slow down, stay in your vehicle, take a photo, and move on.

Pre-arrival checklist

Weather Preparation: Pack appropriate clothing and gear for the weather. Barkerville can experience varying weather conditions, so be prepared for rain, sun, and cooler temperatures.

Footwear: Wear comfortable walking shoes, as you'll be exploring the town on foot. Consider closed-toe shoes for added comfort and support.

Picnic and Snacks: While there are dining options in Barkerville, consider bringing some snacks and water for your visit. You can enjoy a picnic in designated areas.

Accessibility Requirements: If you have accessibility requirements, contact the park in advance to inquire about accommodations and services available for visitors with disabilities.

Parking: If you're arriving by car, check parking options and any associated fees. Be aware of designated parking areas.

Pack Light: As you'll be walking around, consider packing light. A small backpack or bag with essentials will make your visit more comfortable.

Sun Protection: Bring sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun, as Barkerville's high elevation can lead to increased sun exposure.

Bug Protection: Insect repellent may be necessary, especially during the warmer months when mosquitoes can be active.

Respectful Behaviour: Discuss respectful behaviour and etiquette with your group. Remind everyone to follow park rules and guidelines.

Health and Safety: Be aware of your own health and safety. If you have any medical conditions or allergies, bring necessary medications or items.

Cell Reception: Cell phone reception may be limited in some areas. Let someone know about your visit plans, and have a meeting point in case of separation.

Local Information: Research nearby accommodations, dining options, and other attractions in the area in case you plan to extend your visit.

Fire information and updates

Fires are permitted only in designated fire enclosures as provided by Barkerville and are subject to any local fire bans or restrictions within the Cariboo Fire Centre.

Do not move campfire rings, burn garbage, or leave fires unattended. Ensure fires are fully extinguished if they are not being monitored.

Do not gather wood, break off branches, or damage live trees in any way to build your fire. Bringing in your own firewood can expose sensitive ecosystems to invasive species, so please only use firewood supplied by Barkerville.

Trail conditions

Detailed information about trails and permitted activities in and around Barkerville can be found under "Visitor Guidelines", "Trails".


Things to do at Barkerville Historic Town & Park

Accommodations at/near Barkerville Historic Town & Park

Food and Beverage places at/near Barkerville Historic Town & Park


Camping area

Gift shop

Information center

Maps and brochures

Parking lot

Picnic Areas


Visitor guidelines

Visiting Timetable

Monday: 08:00 - 20:00

Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00

Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00

Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00

Friday: 08:00 - 20:00

Saturday: 08:00 - 20:00

Sunday: 08:00 - 20:00

Nearest Cities


Quesnel (81 km)

Kersley (109.1 km)

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