Bowron Lake Provincial Park

  • Cariboo Chilcotin Coast
  • 5 Hours
  • Jan - July


Nestled in the heart of British Columbia, Bowron Lake Provincial Park is a true wilderness gem that promises a once-in-a-lifetime adventure for nature enthusiasts, paddlers, and outdoor explorers. With its chain of pristine lakes, ancient forests, and breathtaking mountain vistas, this park offers an immersive journey into the heart of the Canadian wilderness. Bowron Lake Provincial Park is a natural wonderland that beckons adventurers seeking a genuine and immersive wilderness experience. Whether you're paddling the circuit, hiking the trails, or simply savouring the serene ambiance, this park promises an unforgettable journey into the heart of British Columbia's wild beauty. Plan your visit to Bowron Lake Provincial Park today and embark on an adventure like no other.

Attractions info
Type Natural
Class Provincial Parks
Level Provincial
Season All around year
  • Bowron Lake Circuit: Paddler's paradise route
  • Captivating Landscapes: Towering trees, serene lakes
  • Abundant Wildlife: Moose, eagles, beavers
  • Historical Exploration: Cariboo Gold Rush remnants
  • Backcountry Camping: Rustic wilderness experience
  • Guided Insights: Learn park ecology
  • Fishing Haven: Reel in diverse species
  • Sunset Magic: Stunning lake sunsets

  • What to see

  • Visitor guidelines

  • Pre-arrival checklist

  • Camping equipment

  • Safety & Guidelines

What to see

The Bowron Lake Circuit: Embark on the renowned Bowron Lake Circuit, a 116-kilometer canoe or kayak route that encompasses 10 interconnected lakes and numerous portages. It's a paddler's paradise!

Stunning Landscapes: Marvel at the park's captivating landscapes, including towering spruce and cedar trees, meandering rivers, serene lakes, and the majestic Cariboo Mountains as a backdrop.

Wildlife Encounters: Keep your eyes peeled for abundant wildlife, from moose and beavers to bald eagles and loons. Bowron Lake is a prime location for observing Canada's untamed fauna.

Historical Significance: Explore the rich history of the area, which was once a vital transportation route during the Cariboo Gold Rush. Discover remnants of old cabins and learn about the park's cultural heritage.

Backcountry Camping: Experience the thrill of backcountry camping at designated campsites along the circuit. These sites offer rustic amenities and a unique opportunity to connect with nature.

Spectacular Sunsets: The park is known for its stunning sunsets over the pristine lakes, creating magical moments in the heart of the wilderness.

Visitor guidelines

All visitor guidelines can be found under the following link:

Pre-arrival checklist

A Pre-trip information booklet [PDF] can be downloaded from Lake Park under the "Park and activity maps" tab.

Camping equipment

Canoe or Kayak: Since the primary attraction is the Bowron Lake Circuit, you'll need a canoe or kayak, preferably with portaging capabilities, for the water journey.

Personal Flotation Device (PFD): A PFD is essential for safety while paddling and required by park regulations.

Paddles: Bring suitable paddles for your canoe or kayak, including spare paddles.

Tent: A reliable and waterproof tent with a rainfly is essential for backcountry camping.

Ground Tarp: Place a ground tarp under your tent to protect it from moisture.

Sleeping Bag: Choose a sleeping bag suitable for the expected weather conditions.

Sleeping Pad: An insulated pad provides comfort and insulation from the ground.

Cooking Equipment: Portable Stove: A compact backpacking stove is practical for cooking meals.

Fuel: Ensure you have enough fuel for your stove.

Cooking Utensils: Lightweight pots, pans, and utensils are necessary for meal preparation.

Eating Gear: Plates, cups, and utensils should be included.

Food: Plan and pack your meals, considering lightweight and non-perishable options.

Water: Bring a water filter or purification tablets to access clean drinking water from the lakes and rivers.

Clothing: Layered Clothing: Prepare for changing weather by bringing a variety of clothing layers.

Rain Gear: Waterproof and breathable rain gear is essential for wet conditions.

Sturdy Footwear: Quality hiking boots or water shoes for portages and hiking.

Maps and Compass: Detailed maps of the circuit and a compass for navigation.

GPS: Consider bringing a GPS device for added navigation assistance.

First Aid Kit: A well-stocked first aid kit is essential for any outdoor adventure.

Repair Kit: Carry a basic repair kit for any gear or equipment that may require quick fixes.

Headlamp or Flashlight: Essential for nighttime activities and emergencies.

Extra Batteries: Pack extra batteries for your lighting equipment.

Insect Repellent: Protect yourself from mosquitoes and other insects.

Head Net: A head net can be invaluable in bug-prone areas.

Tent Repair Kit: In case of unexpected damage to your tent

Camp Chair: A lightweight, collapsible camp chair can provide comfort during downtime.

Bear-Resistant Food Containers: These are required in some areas to prevent bears from accessing your food.

Personal Items: ID and Documents: Carry personal identification and necessary permits.

Toiletries: Travel-sized toiletries, including biodegradable soap, are helpful.

Personal Medications: Any necessary medications should be included.

Trash Bags: Pack out all trash and waste from your trip to maintain the pristine wilderness. It's important to travel light, but also be well-prepared for the variable conditions you may encounter during your adventure in Bowron Lake Provincial Park. Adjust your gear and clothing based on the season and weather forecasts. Always prioritize safety and Leave No Trace principles to protect the environment.

Safety & Guidelines

Both black and grizzly bears are found in Bowron Lake Park. Bear-proof caches are provided at designated campsites and must be used at all times. For more bear-safety information see the "wildlife safety" page.

Bowron Lake is a multi-use recreational lake used by both motorized and non-motorized watercraft. To ensure your safety and the safety of other visitors, please read the code of ethics for boaters, canoeists, and kayakers on Bowron Lake [PDF].

Canoe Circuit safety: The Bowron Lake Canoe Circuit is a wilderness area. Anyone planning to paddle the circuit should come to the park well prepared and with some canoeing experience.
There is no cellphone reception on the Bowron Lake Canoe Circuit. Six public two-way radios have been placed around the circuit for use in the event of an emergency only (see the park map for locations).
You may bring your own registered communication system, but visitors are not permitted to access the radio frequencies used by BC Parks. Please read the pre-trip information booklet [PDF] before making a reservation for the canoe circuit.


Things to do at Bowron Lake Provincial Park

Accommodations at/near Bowron Lake Provincial Park

Food and Beverage places at/near Bowron Lake Provincial Park


Camping area

Information center

Maps and brochures

Parking lot

Picnic Areas


Visiting Timetable

Monday: 08:30 - 16:30

Tuesday: 08:30 - 16:30

Wednesday: 08:30 - 16:30

Thursday: 08:30 - 16:30

Friday: 08:30 - 16:30

Saturday: 08:30 - 16:30

Sunday: 08:30 - 16:30


Nearest Cities

Barkerville (28km)

Quesnel (120km)

Williams Lake (136km)

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