Malaspina Galleries

  • Gulf Islands
  • 5 Hours
  • Jan - July


The Malaspina Galleries, located on Gabriola Island, are a stunning natural formation of sandstone cliffs sculpted by centuries of wind and waves. This breathtaking coastal landmark features unique wave-like shapes and intricate patterns, creating a mesmerizing visual spectacle. Visitors can explore the galleries up close, walking along the shore to admire the intricate details and natural artistry of the rock formations. The site offers panoramic views of the surrounding ocean, making it a perfect spot for photography, picnics, and quiet contemplation. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, an artist seeking inspiration, or simply looking for a tranquil escape, the Malaspina Galleries provide a serene and awe-inspiring experience.

Attractions info
Type Natural
Class Iconic Wonders
Level Most visiting
  • Stunning Sandstone Formations: Marvel at the intricate, wave-like patterns sculpted by wind and waves over centuries.
  • Panoramic Ocean Views: Enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding ocean, perfect for photography and relaxation.
  • Unique Natural Artistry: Experience the natural artistry of the rock formations, offering a serene and inspiring atmosphere.
  • Tranquil Coastal Escape: Escape to a peaceful coastal setting ideal for picnics, quiet contemplation, and connecting with nature.
  • Accessible Shoreline Exploration: Walk along the shore to get up close to the detailed sandstone cliffs and explore the beauty of the galleries.

  • What to see

  • Visitor guidelines

  • Pre-arrival checklist

  • Clothing

  • Personal gear

  • Safety & Guidelines

What to see

Sandstone Formations: Intricate and unique wave-like patterns sculpted by natural forces.

Panoramic Ocean Views: Breathtaking views of the ocean and surrounding landscapes.

Tidal Pools: Explore the tidal pools at low tide to discover marine life.

Coastal Flora and Fauna: Observe the diverse plant life and potential wildlife sightings along the shoreline.

Natural Artistry: Appreciate the natural artistry and geological wonders of the rock formations.

Visitor guidelines

Stay on Designated Paths: To protect the environment and ensure your safety, please stay on marked paths and trails.

Respect Wildlife: Observe animals from a distance and do not disturb their natural habitat.

Leave No Trace: Pack out all trash and belongings to keep the area pristine for future visitors.

Keep a Safe Distance: Stay back from the edge of the cliffs and be cautious on slippery surfaces.

Supervise Children: Ensure children are supervised at all times for their safety.

Be Mindful of Tides: Pay attention to tide schedules to avoid being caught off guard by rising waters.

No Vandalism: Do not carve into or deface the sandstone formations.

Quiet Enjoyment: Respect the tranquility of the site and other visitors by keeping noise levels low.

Pre-arrival checklist

Confirm travel arrangements to Gabriola Island

Check weather forecast for the day of your visit

Pack a day bag with essentials

Ensure camera or smartphone is charged for photos

Inform someone of your travel plans

Bring snacks and water


Comfortable walking shoes or hiking boots

Lightweight, breathable clothing

Hat and sunglasses

Jacket or sweater for cooler weather

Raincoat or waterproof gear (if necessary)

Personal gear

Reusable water bottle

Sunscreen and insect repellent

Snacks or energy bars

Camera or smartphone for photos

Small backpack or day bag

Wallet with ID and cash/credit card

Safety & Guidelines

Follow all safety instructions at the site

Stay with your group during the visit

Respect the natural environment and wildlife

Stay on designated paths and trails

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated

Keep a safe distance from the edge of the cliffs

Be cautious of slippery surfaces, especially when wet

Dispose of any trash properly and leave no trace


Things to do at Malaspina Galleries

Accommodations at/near Malaspina Galleries

Food and Beverage places at/near Malaspina Galleries


Visiting Timetable



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