How to Use My Booking

Key Features

Log In

Log in to your account using your registered email address and password. If you don’t have an account, consider creating one for a personalized booking experience.

View Upcoming Trips

Navigate to the “Upcoming Trips” section to see a comprehensive list of your upcoming adventures. Click on each booking to access detailed information.

Explore Booking History

Visit the “Booking History” section to review details of your past journeys. Retrieve information about destinations, travel dates, and more.

Update Personal Details

Keep your personal information current by visiting the “Personal Details” section. Update contact information, preferences, and any special requests.

Download Documents

Find all your essential travel documents in the “Document Center.” Download and print booking confirmations, itineraries, and other relevant information.

Manage Preferences and Contact Support

Customize your travel experience by visiting the “Manage Preferences” section. Connect with our support team through the “Contact Support” feature for any assistance you may need.